Sunday, September 13, 2009

"Most of my kids have PAS too..."

Once I began to realize the full impact of what my ex had taught my kids to believe about me, I was devastated. What was even worse: the harder I tried to correct the damage, the worse it became. Gradually, I began to realize that without custody (and thereby control) I had no hope of ever re-establishing my relationship with my children. And, it was certain that the courts would never allow me to regain custody – therefore I had no hope of ever regaining control. And so, it became clear to me that all hope of recovery had become lost.

I prayed about this for two reasons: First, becasue of the loss of my relationship with my children, and second because I was so frustrated by the loss of control over my own life. I thought surely a gracious and loving Heavenly Father would understand how I felt. After all, He would want me to have a healthy relationship with my children – wouldn’t He? Shouldn’t He be able to intervene and help me correct the situation which the courts, and my ex, had created?

I was shocked by His answer: “Most of my kids have PAS too.” I had to sit back and think about that idea for a while, before I began to realize just how true it really was. Very, very few of His children ever bother to stay in touch with Him, or tell Him how much they love Him, and appreciate all the wonderful things He has done to bless them.

….That’s when I began to realize one of the hidden benefits of becoming a victim of PAS (and by the way, it took me a looong time before I was willing to use the word “benefit” here). I now had a much better understanding of how God feels towards His children!

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